I'm a New Christian
Welcome to the family!
We are always delighted to hear about new believers who have given their lives to Christ. We would love to connect with you, so please email us your story at administrator@christchurchbangkok.org.
We run courses regularly for new Christians and people who are curious about life's biggest questions. Feel free to learn more and join us by clicking here.
Here are some resources that may help you understand the basics of the Christian faith
What does it mean to live like a Christian?
1. Loving God, loving people
First and foremost, being a Christian means loving God and loving people. Jesus Himself tells us that this is the greatest commandment, and that all of God's instructions can be simplified into this one command (Mt. 22:35-40).
Of course, your relationship with God (as with everyone else) will be complicated, but you can beign this relationship by learning more about who He is from His Son, Jesus Christ, who is His perfect image. We recommend reading the Gospels first (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) to get an idea of who Jesus is and how you can imitate Him.
Specificially, Imitating Christ means loving people as He did: even your enemies (Mt. 5:44). We are told to forgive others as Christ forgave (Col. 3:13), serve them as Christ served (Mk. 10:45), and give joyfully to all as He gave Himself up for us (Lk. 12:13-34). Navigating what this looks like practically can be difficult without guidance, which is why meeting with other Christians regularly is also crucial.
2. Meeting with other Christians regularly
Because the Church is defined as the "Body of Christ" (Rom. 12:4-5), the best way you can grow as a Christian is by coming to church and being with fellow Christians. The Christian life is inherently social, and the church, with all its brokenness, can provide a glimpse of what the family of God can be. Indeed, the two most important sacraments of the Christian church, Baptism and the Communion, are social in nature.
Baptism signifies an entrance into the family of God. The believer dies to their old life and is raised to new life as part of the church. Communion signifies an invitation to come eat supper at God's table along with His family. All this to say, Christians throughout the ages see meeting together, eating together, and listening to God's teaching together as crucial practices of the Christian life (Acts 2:46).
3. Prayer
Prayer, done communally and individually, is the heartbeat of the Christian life. According to different traditions, prayer can be defined as communicating with God, setting your mind on God, or being in the presence of God. Prayer helps us recognize that we are helpless without God's aid, and that we require grace in every moment of our lives.
The Lord's prayer (prayed every week in our services) is a good place to start if you're not sure how to pray. Different forms of prayer exist along with countless prayer books, but the most important thing about prayer is to do it regularly (1 Thes. 5:16-18) and humbly (Lk. 18:13-14).
Reading and interpreting the Bible
Prayer, done communally and individually, is the heartbeat of the Christian life. According to different traditions, prayer can be defined as communicating with God, setting your mind on God, or being in the presence of God. Prayer helps us recognize that we are helpless without God's aid, and that we require grace in every moment of our lives.
The Lord's prayer (prayed every week in our services) is a good place to start if you're not sure how to pray. Different forms of prayer exist along with countless prayer books, but the most important thing about prayer is to do it regularly (1 Thes. 5:16-18) and humbly (Lk. 18:13-14).