Organizations We Support
Christ Church Bangkok is committed to giving 10% of all the donations we receive to outreach organizations around Thailand. These organizations support the poor and marginalized people locally. Some of the organizations are run by Christ Church members, so we support them in other ways as well.
Click on the names of these organizations to learn more about what they do:
LifeRaft - Support for urban refugees and asylum seekers
Place of Grace - Children’s clubs, education center and food bank for materially poor Thai children and teenagers
Karen Ministry - Support for Karen people in Noh Boh Academy and Mae La Refugee camp
IDC Ministry - Visiting refugees and asylum seekers in immigration detention
Creative Life Foundation - Education scholarships and mentorship for urban and rural children + support for under-resourced urban refugees; Support for their small business, Mina’s Whole Foods, helps to raise funds for the ministry.
Shalem House - Main outreach of the Thai congregation; Provides a place to stay to families of children receiving medical care at Chula Hospital
Timothy House - Love & Care Project - Boarding house for secondary students in Mae Sot
Thai Bible Society - Sells products in their book shop and we support them through purchasing needed bibles and resources for church ministries