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How to donate


You can also give to our Karen Ministry by using PayPal - by clicking the button 'I want to help' on the right side of this page. Any time, any place, any currency, it will all come directly to the Karen Ministry!


Online / electronic transfer

Bank Account for Karen (New)

A/C Siam Commercial Bank

A/C Name:           Christ Church English

Branch:                 CP Tower

A/C No:                168-225-876-6

A/C Tape:             Saving

A/C SWIFT code:        SICOTHBK



Thai cheques can be made out to 'Christ Church English', International cheques we cannot process.


Thank you for your support for the Christ Church Karen Ministry. We can only continue to serve on the Thai/Burma border with your help. We do appreciate your support and prayers.

Click here to donate

*Please make a note for "Karen Ministry" when you donate.

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